This website contains texts and documents regarding the Studio Irrera- Avvocati Associati which are purely for general information purposes. None of the contents on the website can be considered comprehensive, and neither can they qualify as legal advice or professional consultancy.
In offering such information, the firm does not intend to enter into any kind of relationship with a prospective client. In order to request consultancy or professional intervention, it is necessary to arrange a face-to-face meeting with a professional lawyer.
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Under no circumstances can the Studio Irrera -Avvocati Associati be held responsible for any damage of any kind deriving directly or indirectly from accessing this website, from the inability to access it or from the information contained therein.
This website contains links to other websites which are not under the control of the Studio Irrera – Avvocati Associati; the publication of the aforementioned links on this website does not imply approval or endorsement on the part of the Studio Irrera – Avvocati Associati of those websites or their contents, neither does it imply the assumption of any kind of guarantee or liability.
The Turin Council of the Order of Advocates was informed of the publication of the Studio Irrera – Avvocati Associati’s website on.