Maurizio IRRERA

Turin and Milan offices

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Full Professor of Business Law at the University of Turin.

Prof. Maurizio Irrera was born in Turin on September 17, 1958.
He graduated in Law from Turin University in 1982 with a thesis in Business Law, and in the years that followed he gained significant experience as head of the in-house legal department of an important listed company.
He was admitted to the Turin bar in 1985, and in 1997 was admitted to practise before higher courts.
In 1989 he received a PhD in Business Law from Bocconi University in Milan; he became a research assistant in 1994 and an associate professor in Business Law in 2001, receiving tenure at the University of Eastern Piedmont in 2006. Since december 2017, he lectures in Business Law in the Department of Economics and Statistics at the University of Turin; over the years he has also taught insolvency law, corporate governance law and corporate contract law.
In March 2007 he became co-editor of “il Nuovo Diritto delle Società”, an online magazine now published by Giappichelli.
He directs and coordinates all the firm’s activities; this includes providing consultancy and assistance in the commercial, company, financial and corporate restructuring fields.
He has been appointed as arbitrator or defence lawyer in a number of arbitration proceedings.
He is Vice President of an important banking foundation serves as a Director of a listed multiutility company, and also of companies operating in the field of asset management and the supply of credit. He is a member of the supervision body of healthcare and environmental companies. He is also policy director.
He established and is the current chairman of the Centro CRISI, an interdepartmental research centre of the University of Turin regarding businessover-indebtedness and insolvency law, as well as of the RES Business Studies Centre which promotes the study and culture of company and corporate law; he is also an operational Director of the University Institute of European Studies.
He lectures on corporate and business law at conferences, conventions and study meetings.
He is the author of over 150 scientific articles, monographs, essays, encyclopaedia entries, articles and comments on judgements on matters of commercial, corporate and insolvency law.

Major publications

  • IRRERA (a cura di), Il diritto dell’emergenza: profili societari, concorsuali, bancari e contrattuali, Turin, 2020 
  • IRRERA (a cura di), La società a responsabilità limitata: un modello transtipico alla prova del Codice della Crisi, Turin, 2020 
  • IRRERA (editor), Diritto del Governo delle Imprese, 2nd ed., Turin, 2019
  • IRRERA (a cura di), Lineamenti di diritto assicurativo, Bologna, 2019 
  • IRRERA (editor), Assetti e modelli organizzativi nella corporate governance delle società di capitali, Bologna, 2016
  • IRRERA, L’assicurazione: l’impresa e il contratto, 2nd, in Tratt. Dir. Comm., edited by Cottino, Padua, 2011
  • IRRERA(editor), Le acquisizioni societarie, Bologna, 2011
  • IRRERA, Profili di corporate governance della società per azioni tra responsabilità, controlli e bilancio, Milan, 2009
  • IRRERA, CAGNASSO, Il fallimento delle società, Milan, 2007
  • IRRERA, Assetti organizzativi adeguati e governo delle società di capitali, Milan, 2005
  • IRRERA, Le delibere del consiglio di amministrazione: vizi e strumenti di tutela, Milan, 2000
  • IRRERA, I “prestiti” dei soci alla società, Padua, 1992



